In the 1950’s, a prominent writer by the name of Carlo Levi, wrote a book about life in Matera, and it became a national scandal that people in Italy were still living in grottoes. The government was forced to step in and declared it illegal for people to continue living in this manner. They offered new apartments to anyone willing to abandon their Sassi, and subsequently moved 20,000 residents into new housing. Most people took the offer, but a few continued to live in the Sassi. The Fodor’s guide states that “Matera is the only place in the world where people can boast to still be living in the same house as their ancestors of 9,000 years ago.”
Today the area has become more tourism oriented as they try and restore some of the abandon dwellings. The area is especially popular with Hollywood, as several biblical movies have been recently shot here, including Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ. The area apparently closely resembles the look in and around Jerusalem 2,000 years ago.