Meeting a complete stranger comes very naturally in Italy, whether it’s a store clerk, another family in the piazza, or someone at the next table. I’m not quite sure if there’s one specific reason, but whatever the reason, it’s really nice. For one thing, the Italians love children. Not a day goes by that we don’t get stopped by a nonna wanting to admire and chat with the kids. Angie and I usually get a “complimenti” while the kids get a kiss on top of their head. They get so embarrassed but it’s very natural here. If you already know someone it’s a kiss on each cheek, and this custom is not just for man and woman. Seeing two burly men or high school boys doing it is very common. Another reason might just be the overall pace of life here. When waiting for a store to open or a bus to arrive, we often hear the phrase “Italian time”. Nobody seems to be in a hurry unless they’re on their Vespa. Some Italians are intrigued by the Americans and like to ask lots of questions, all while practicing their English. Even the American tourists we meet seem more apt to a conversation. Either they’re more relaxed because they’re on vacation, or the idea of being more interested in your neighbor is contagious. It's not that we haven't met a crabby Italian here and there, but it's certainly not the norm. We’ve gotten to know several Italian families, met tourists from all corners of the globe, and even a few American families with an itinerary similar to ours. Meeting new friends is definitely one of the best things about our trip.